Extensão: 1148
2002 – Doutoramento em Engenharia de Materiais, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
1998 – Mestrado em Ciência e Engenharia de Superfícies, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
1996 – Licenciatura em Física Tecnológica, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Situação actual
Professor Adjunto do ISEL, desde Abril de 2008.
Investigador do Laser-Assisted Synthesis and Processing Group do IST (LASYP)
Membro do Center of Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials (Cefema)
Posições anteriores
05/05 – 04/08: Bolseiro pós-doc da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)
10/04 – 04/05: Bolseiro pós-doc IST
10/03 – 10/04: Professor Auxiliar, Universidade Minho
10/01 – 10/03: Assistente 2º Triénio, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
10/00 – 10/01: Monitor, Dep. Engenharia Materiais, IST
09/97 – 09/01: Bolseiro de Doutoramento, FCT
Cargos de gestão académica
04/08 – 08/10: Membro do Conselho Científico do ISEL
04/08 – 08/10: Membro da Comissão Científica do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do ISEL
04/08 – 08/10: Membro da Comissão de Coordenação da Área Científica de Física do ISEL
Principais áreas de investigação
Microtexturação de materiais por laser (femtosegundo e excímeros).
Caracterização de materiais e superfícies.
Researcher profile
ResearcherID: A-3058-2009
Artigos publicados em revistas internacionais com referee
R. D. F. Moreira, V. Oliveira, F. G. A. Silva, R. Vilar, M. F. S. F. de Moura, “Influence of laser prepared surfaces on the mode I fracture toughness of carbon-epoxy bonded joints”, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, to be published.
A. Carvalho, L. Cangueiro, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, H. Fernandes, F. Monteiro, “Femtosecond laser microstructured Alumina toughened Zirconia: A new strategy to improve osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 435, p. 1237–1245 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.11.206
V. Oliveira, S.P. Sharma, M.F.S.F. de Moura, R.D.F. Moreira, R. Vilar, “Surface treatment of CFRP composites using femtosecond laser radiation”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 94, p. 37-43 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2017.02.011
S.P. Sharma, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Morphology and structure of particles produced by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica”, Applied Physics A, Vol. 122:261, p. 1-8 (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s00339-016-9859-3.
N.I. Polushkin, A.C. Duarte, O. Conde, E. Alves N.P. Barradas, A. Garcıa-Garcıa, G.N. Kakazei, J.O. Ventura, J.P. Araujo, V. Oliveira, and R. Vilar, “Laser-Induced Diffusion Decomposition in Fe-VThin-Film Alloys”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 336, p. 380 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.060.
R. Serra, V. Oliveira, J.C. Oliveira, T. Kubart, R. Vilar, A. Cavaleiro, “Laser-induced periodic surface structures generated on magnetron sputtered boron carbide thin films using femtosecond laser radiation”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 331, p. 161 (2015). DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.01.060.
S.P. Sharma, V. Oliveira, P. Herrero and R. Vilar, “Internal structure of the nanogratings generated inside bulk fused silica by ultrafast laser direct writing”, Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 116, p. 053106 (2014). DOI: 10.1063/1.4892562.
R. Vilar, S.P. Sharma, A. Almeida, L. T. Cangueiro, and V. Oliveira, “Surface morphology and phase transformations of femtosecond laser processed sapphire”, Applied Surface Science 288 (2014) 313. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.10.026
V. Oliveira, S.P. Sharma, P. Herrero and R. Vilar, “Transformations induced in bulk amorphous silica by ultrafast laser direct writing”, Optics Letters 38 (2013) 4950. DOI: 10.1364/OL.38.004950
V. Oliveira, J.C. Oliveira, R. Serra, R. Vilar, N.I. Polushkin, O. Conde, R. Vilar, “Sub-micron structuring of silicon using femtosecond laser interferometry”, Optics and Laser Technology 54 (2013) 428. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2013.06.031
V. Oliveira, N.I. Polushkin, O. Conde, R. Vilar, “SEM characterization of two-dimensional patterns generated in titanium by femtosecond laser interferometry”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 19 Supp. 4 (2013) 143. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927613001335
A. Cunha, A.P. Serro, V. Oliveira, A. Almeida, R. Vilar and M.C. Durrieu, “Wetting behaviour of femtosecond laser textured Ti–6Al–4V surfaces”, Applied Surface Science 265 (2013) 688. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.11.085
N.I. Polushkin, V. Oliveira, O. Conde, R. Vilar, A. Apolinário, A. García- García, J.M. Teixeira, G.N. Kakazei and Yu. N. Drozdov, “Evidences for direct magnetic patterning via diffusive transformations using femtosecond laser interferometry”, Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 132408. DOI: 10.1063/1.4754623
S.F. Alves, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Femtosecond laser ablation of dentin”, Journal of Physics D 45 (2012) 245401. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/45/24/245401
V. Oliveira, N.I. Polushkin, O. Conde and R. Vilar, “Laser surface patterning using a Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation”, Optics and Laser Tecnhology 44 (2012) 2072. DOI: 10.1016/j.optlastec.2012.03.024
B. Nunes, A.P. Serro, V. Oliveira, M.F. Montemor, E. Alves, B. Saramago and R. Colaço, “Ageing effects on the wettability behavior of femtosecond laser textured silicon”, Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 2604.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira, S. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Shear bond strength of adhesive to KrF excimer laser treated enamel”, International Journal of Abrasive Technology 3 (2010) 133.
V. Oliveira, B. Nunes, R. Vilar, “Wetting response of KrF laser ablated polyimide surfaces”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 1626.
V. Oliveira, A. Cunha and R. Vilar, “Multi-scaled femtosecond laser structuring of stationary titanium surfaces”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 12 (2010) 654.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar and S. Oliveira, “Shear bond strength of composite bonded to KrF excimer laser treated dentin”, Journal of Laser Applications 21 (2009) 129.
V. Oliveira, S. Ausset and R. Vilar, “Surface micro/nanostructuring of titanium under stationary and non-stationary femtosecond laser irradiation”, Applied Surface Science 255 (2009) 7556.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Modification of Polyimide Wettability by KrF Pulsed Laser Ablation”, Microscopy and Microanalisys 14 Supp. 3 (2008) 73.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “KrF laser ablation of polyimide”, Applied Physics A 92 (2008) 957.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “KrF excimer laser processing of human enamel”, Materials Science Forum 587-588 (2008) 42.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Finite element simulation of pulsed laser ablation of titanium carbide”, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 7810.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Simulation of KrF laser ablation of Al2O3-TiC”, Applied Surface Science 253 (2007) 7585.
V. Oliveira, M. Sivakumar and R. Vilar, “A mathematical description of surface texture development in laser-ablated dentin”, Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 104701.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Influence of tubule orientation on cone-shaped texture development in laser-ablated dentin”, Lasers in Medical Science 21 (2006) 160.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Sealing of human dentinal tubules by KrF 248 nm laser radiation”, Journal of Laser Applications 18 (2006) 330.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Surface Texture Development in KrF Excimer Laser Ablation of Dentin”, Materials Science Forum 514-516 (2006) 1068.
V. Oliveira, F. Simões and R. Vilar, “Columns growth mechanisms during KrF laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 81 (2005) 1157.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Characterization of columns grown during KrF laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Journal of Materials Research 18 (2003) 1123.
V. Oliveira, J.C. Orlianges, A. Catherinot, O. Conde, R. Vilar, “Laser ablation of Al2O3-TiC: a spectroscopic investigation”, Applied Surface Science 186186 (2002) 309.
A.B. Utkin, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Two-component finite-volume scheme for modelling the initial stage of Al2O3-TiC laser processing”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 9 (2001) 513.
V. Oliveira, O. Conde and R. Vilar, “UV laser micromachining of ceramic materials: formation of columnar topographies”, Advanced Engineering Materials 3 (2001) 75.
M. Mendes, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, F. Beinhorn, J. Ihlemann and O. Conde, “XeCl Laser Ablation of Al2O3-TiC Ceramics”, Applied Surface Science 154-155 (2000) 29.
M. Mendes, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, F. Beinhorn, J. Ihlemann and O. Conde, “Femtosecond UV Laser Micromachining of Al2O3-TiC Ceramics”, Journal of Laser Applications 11 (1999) 211.
V. Oliveira, R. Vilar and O. Conde, “Micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics by excimer laser”, Revista de Metalurgia de Madrid 34 (1998) 206.
V. Oliveira, R. Vilar and O. Conde, “Excimer laser ablation of Al2O3-TiC: laser induced modifications of surface topography and structure”, Applied Surface Science 127-129 (1998) 831.
V. Oliveira, O. Conde, R. Vilar and P. Freitas, “Laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Journal of Materials Research 12 (1997) 3206.
Artigos publicados em proceedings de conferências internacionais
A. Cunha, V. Oliveira, A.P. Serro, O. Zouani, A. Almeida, R. Vilar and M.C. Durrieu, “Ultrafast laser texturing of Ti-6Al-4V surfaces for biomedical applications”, in Proceedings of ICALEO 2013, pp. 910-918, 2013.
S.F. Alves, V. Oliveira, L. Cangueiro, A. Almeida, R. Vilar, “Femtosecond laser ablation of dentin”, in Proceedings of ICALEO 2012, pp. 882-888, 2012.
S. Eugénio, R. Vilar, V. Oliveira and M. Sivakumar, “KrF laser treatment of human dentin”, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7131, XVII International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High Power Lasers, p. 71311M-1, 2009.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “KrF Excimer Laser Processing of Polyimide”, Proceedings of ICALEO 2007, Laser Microprocessing Conference, p. 505, 2007.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar “Surface Modification of Dental Tissues by KrF Excimer Laser Radiation”, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6425, Lasers in Dentistry XIII, p. 64250H, 2007.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira, S. Eugénio and R. Vilar, “ “KrF Excimer Laser Processing of Human Dental hard Tissues”, Proceedings of ICALEO 2006, Laser Microprocessing Conference, p. 56, 2006.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “SEM Characterisation of KrF Excimer Laser Processed Dentin”, Proceedings of XLth Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Electron Microscopy and Cell Biology, p. B14, 2005.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Sealing of human dentinal tubules by KrF 248 nm laser radiation”, Proceedings of ICALEO 2005, p. 729, 2005.
M. Sivakumar, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, “Surface Texture Development in KrF Excimer Laser Ablation of Dentin”, Proceedings XII Portuguese Materials Society Meeting, p. 1068, 2005.
V. Oliveira, F. Simoes and Rui Vilar, Column growth mechanisms during KrF laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC”, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5715: Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology X, p. 101, 2005.
V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Characterization of columns grown during KrF laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Proceedings of ICALEO 2001, p. M905, 2001.
M. Mendes, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, F. Beinhorn and J. Ihlemann, “Excimer laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC””, Proceeedings of LANE, p. 623, 2001.
A.B. Utkin, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Initial stage of Al2O3-TiC laser processing: numerical investigation with axisymmetric finite-volume scheme”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 4157: Laser-Assisted Microtechnology p. 43, 2000.
V. Oliveira, M. Mendes and R. Vilar, “Formation of a columnar topography on Al2O3-TiC ceramics after KrF laser machining”, Proc. CLEO 2000, p. 211, 2000.
V. Oliveira, M. Mendes and R. Vilar, “UV laser micromachining of ceramic materials”, Euromat 99, Volume 11: Surface Engineering, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 431, 2000.
M. Mendes, V. Oliveira and R. Vilar, “Excimer laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Proceedings of Microengineering 99, p. 169, 1999.
V. Oliveira, M. Mendes, R. Vilar and O. Conde, “Micromaquinação de cerâmicos Al2O3, TiC e Al2O3-TiC por laser de excímeros”, Proc. II Seminário Iberoamericano sobre Procesamiento de Materiales por Láser, p. 164, 1999.
M. Mendes, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, F. Beinhorn, J. Ihlemann and O. Conde, “Femtosecond UV laser micromachining of Al2O3-TiC ceramics”, Proc. ICALEO’98, p. 19, 1998.
V. Oliveira, R. Vilar and O. Conde, “Study of laser ablation of Al2O3-TiC ceramics: influence of laser fluence”, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3343: High Power Laser Ablation, p. 440, 1998.
V. Oliveira, O. Conde and R. Vilar, “Excimer laser machining of Al2O3-TiC”, Proc. ICALEO´96, p. 99, 1996.
Capítulos de livros
V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, “Surface texturing under stationary and non-stationary ultrafast laser irradiation”, Laser Ablation: Advances in Research and Applications, Chapter 5, p. 151-178, Editor Carola Bellucci, Nova Science Publisher (2017), ISBN-978-1-53612-405-7.
A. Cunha, V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, “Ultrafast laser surface texturing of titanium alloys”, Laser Surface Modification of Biomaterials: Techniques and Applications, Chapter 11, p. 301-322, , Editor Rui Vilar, Woodhead Publishing (2016). ISBN-13: 978-0081008836.
V. Oliveira, R. Vilar, “Laser surface patterning using a modified Michelson interferometer and femtosecond laser radiation”, Interferometers: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Chapter 5, p. 125-146, Editor Kystal Harmon, Nova Science Publisher (2015). ISBN-13: 978-1-63483-692-0.
Victor Manuel Oliveira, “Estrutura e Propriedades de Materiais Cerâmicos Micromaquinados por Laser de KrF”, Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2002.
Victor Manuel Oliveira, “Micromaquinação de Cerâmicos Al2O3-TiC Assistida por Laser de Excímeros”, Tese de Mestrado, Universidade Nova Lisboa, 1998.
Artigos de carácter pedagógico
V. Oliveira, “Measuring g with a classroom pendulum using changes in the pendulum string length”, Physics Education, Vol 51, p. 063007 (2016). DOI: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/6/063007
V. Oliveira, “Experiments with a falling rod”, American Journal of Physics, Vol 84, p. 113 (2016). DOI: 10.1119/1.4934950
V. Oliveira, “How short and light can be a simple pendulum for classroom use?”, Physics Education, Vol 49(4), p. 387-389 (2014). DOI:10.1088/0031-9120/49/4/387
V. Oliveira, “Angular and linear accelerations of a rolling cylinder acted by an external force”, European Journal of Physics 32 (2011) 381.