Email: santos@adf.isel.pt
Extensão: 1136
1998 – Doutoramento em Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
1994 – Mestrado em Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
1990 – Licenciatura em Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Situação actual
Professor Adjunto do ISEL, desde 1 Setembro de 2010.
Investigador do Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional da Universidade de Lisboa.
Posições anteriores
09/08 – 08/10: Investigador, NExT Institute, Universidade de Southampton (Marie Curie Fellow)
09/06 – 08/08: Investigador, Royal Holloway University of London,bolseiro de pós-doutoramento da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)
09/01 – 08/06: Investigador, Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional da Universidade de Lisboa
10/98 – 01/05: Professor Auxiliar, Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações
09/97 – 09/98: Assistente, Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações
03/97 – 08/97: Assistente Convidado, Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações
12/92 – 11/96: Bolseiro de Doutoramento, FCT, FCUL
01/91 – 11/92: Bolseiro de Mestrado, FCT, FCUL
Cargos de gestão académica
No Instituto Superior de Transportes e de Comunicações (ISTC)
08/01 – 12/04: Director da Licenciatura em Engenharia Mecatrónica do ISTC
10/98 – 12/04: Secretário do Conselho Pedagógico do ISTC
09/01 – 12/04: Secretário do Conselho Científico do ISTC
Principais áreas de investigação
Fenomenologia de Física de Partículas, extensões do sector escalar do Modelo Padrão, física do do bosão de Higgs, física do quark top.
Researcher profile
ResearcherID: F-1956-2010
Artigos publicados em revistas internacionais com referee
M. Krause, D. Lopez-Val, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, “Gauge-independent Renormalization of the N2HDM”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1712 (2017) 077.
S. Amor Dos Santos et al, “Probing the CP nature of the Higgs coupling in tth events at the LHC”, Physical Review D96 (2017) no.1, 013004 .
R. Costa, M. O. P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “NLO electroweak corrections in general scalar singlet models”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1707 (2017) 081.
M. Mühlleitner, M. O. P. Sampaio, R. Santos, J. Wittbrodt, “Phenomenological Comparison of Models with Extended Higgs Sectors”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1708 (2017) 132.
A.G. Akeroyd et al., “Prospects for charged Higgs searches at the LHC”, European Physical Journal C77 (2017) no.5, 276.
M. Krause, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, H. Ziesche, “Higgs-to-Higgs boson decays in a 2HDM at next-to-leading order”, Physical Review D95 (2017) no.7, 075019.
M. Mühlleitner, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, J. Wittbrodt, “The N2HDM under Theoretical and Experimental Scrutiny”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1703 (2017) 094.
M. Krause, R. Lorenz, M. Muhlleitner, R. Santos, H. Ziesche, “Gauge-independent Renormalization of the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1609 (2016) 143.
S. Moretti, R. Santos, P. Sharma, “Optimising Charged Higgs Boson Searches at the Large Hadron Collider Across bbW Final States”, Physics Letters B760 (2016) 697.
R. Costa, M. Muhlleitner, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “Singlet Extensions of the Standard Model at LHC Run 2: Benchmarks and Comparison with the NMSSM”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1606 (2016) 034.
D. Fontes, J.C. Romão, R. Santos, J.P. Silva, “Undoubtable signs of CP-violation in Higgs boson decays at the LHC run 2”, Physical Review D92 (2015) 055014.
S.P. Amor dos Santos, J.P. Araque, R. Cantrill, N.F. Castro, M.C.N. Fiolhais, R. Frederix, R. Goncalo, R. Martins, R. Santos, J. Silva, A. Onofre, H. Peixoto, A. Reigoto, “Angular distributions in ttH (H -> b b) reconstructed events at the LHC”, Physical Review D92 (2015) 034021.
R. Costa, A.P. Morais, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “Two-loop stability of a complex singlet extended Standard Model”, Physical Review D92 (2015) 2, 025024.
D. Fontes, J.C. Romão, R. Santos, J.P. Silva, “Large pseudoscalar Yukawa couplings in the complex 2HDM”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1506 (2015) 060.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Guedes, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “Wrong sign and symmetric limits and non-decoupling in 2HDMs”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1412 (2014) 067.
A. Arhrib, P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos, “Are There Hidden Scalars in LHC Higgs Results?”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1403 (2014) 053.
P.M. Ferreira, J.F. Gunion, H.E. Haber, R. Santos, “Probing wrong-sign Yukawa couplings at the LHC and a future linear collider”, Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 115003.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Guedes, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “Wrong sign and symmetric limits and non-decoupling in 2HDMs”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1412 (2014) 067.
R. Guedes, R. Santos and M. Won, “Limits on strong FCNC top couplings at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 114011.
S.D. Rindani, P. Sharma and R. Santos, “Measuring the charged Higgs mass and distinguishing between models with top-quark observables”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1311 (2013) 188.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira, I.P. Ivanov and Rui Santos, “Metastability bounds on the two Higgs doublet model”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1306 (2013) 045.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira, I.P. Ivanov, Rui Santos and Joao P. Silva, “Evading death by vacuum”, Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2537.
R. Coimbra, M. O.P. Sampaio and R. Santos, “ScannerS, Constraining the phase diagram of a complex scalar singlet at the LHC”, Eur. Phys. J. C 73 (2013) 2428.
P.M. Ferreira, H. E. Haber, R. Santos and J. P. Silva, “Mass-degenerate Higgs bosons at 125 GeV in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model”, Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 055009.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos, J.P. Silva, “Probing the scalar-pseudoscalar mixing in the 125 GeV Higgs particle with current data”, Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 015022.
S. Biswal, S. Mitra, R. Santos, P. Sharma, R.K. Singh, M. Won, “New physics contributions to A(FB)(t(t)over-bar) at the Tevatron”, Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 014016.
A. Arhrib, C.W. Chiang, D.K. Ghosh, R. Santos, “Two-Higgs-doublet model in light of the standard model H -> tau(+)tau(-) search at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 115003.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos, M. Sher, J.P. Silva, “Implications of the LHC two-photon signal for two-Higgs-doublet models”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 077703.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos, M. Sher, J.P. Silva, “Could the LHC two-photon signal correspond to the heavier scalar in two-Higgs-doublet models?”, Phys. Rev. D 85 (2012) 035020.
R. Coimbra, A. Onofre, R. Santos, M. Won, “MEtop – a generator for single top production via FCNC interactions”, European Physical Journal C 72 (2012) 2222.
R. Guedes, S. Moretti, R. Santos, “Charged Higgs bosons in single top production at the LHC”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1210 (2012) 119.
M. Aoki, R. Guedes, S. Kanemura, S. Moretti, R. Santos and K. Yagyu, “Light Charged Higgs bosons at the LHC in 2HDMs”, Phys. Rev. D 84 (2011) 055028.
A. Belyaev, R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, “Very Light Higgs Bosons in Extended Models at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 095006.
A. Belyaev, R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, “Higgs boson phenomenology in tau+ tau- final states at the LHC”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1007 (2010) 051.
A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik, C.-H. Chen, R. Guedes and R. Santos, “Double Neutral Higgs production in the Two-Higgs doublet model at the LHC”, Journal of High Energy Physics 0908 (2009) 035.
P.M. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Impact of FCNC top quark interactions on BR(t —> b W)”, Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009) 114006.
A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik, C.-H. Chen, R. Guedes and R. Santos, “Neutral Higgs boson pair production in photon-photon annihilation in the Two Higgs Doublet Model”, Phys. Rev. D 80 (2009) 015010.
S. Kanemura, S. Moretti, Y. Mukai, R. Santos and K. Yagyu, “Distinctive Higgs Signals of a Type II 2HDM at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 79 (2009) 055017.
R.A. Coimbra, P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes,O. Oliveira, A. Onofre, R. Santos and Miguel Won, “Dimension six flavor changing neutral current operators and top-quark production at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 79 (2009) 014006.
A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik, R. Guedes and R. Santos, “Search for a light fermiophobic Higgs boson produced via gluon fusion at Hadron Colliders”, Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 075002.
P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes and R. Santos, “Combined effects of strong and electroweak FCNC effective operators in top quark physics at the CERN LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 77 (2008) 114008.
F. del Aguila et al, “Collider aspects of flavour physics at high Q”, Eur. Phys. Journal C 57 (2008) 183.
P.M. Ferreira, R.B. Guedes and R. Santos, “Lepton flavour violating processes at the International Linear Collider”, Phys. Rev. D 75 (2007) 055015.
DELPHI Collaboration (J. Abdallah et al.), “Search for a fourth generation b-prime-quark at LEP-II at s**(1/2) = 196-GeV – 209-GeV”, Eur. Phys. Journal C 50 (2007) 507.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Neutral minima in two-Higgs doublet models”, Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 181.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos and J.P. Silva, “Stability of the normal vacuum in multi-Higgs-doublet models”, Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 085016.
P.M. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Contributions from dimension six strong flavor changing operators to t anti-t, t plus gauge boson, and t plus Higgs boson production at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) 014006.
P.M. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Strong flavor changing effective operator contributions to single top quark production”, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 054025.
P.M. Ferreira, O. Oliveira and R. Santos, “Flavor changing strong interaction effects on top quark physics at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D 73 (2006) 034011.
A. Barroso, P.M. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Charge and CP symmetry breaking in two Higgs doublet models”, Phys. Lett. B 632 (2006) 684.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Santos and A. Barroso, “Stability of the tree-level vacuum in two Higgs doublet models against charge or CP spontaneous violation”, Phys. Lett. B 603 (2004) 219; Err. Ibid. B 629 (2005) 114.
S.M. Oliveira and R. Santos, “Bounds on the mass of the b-prime quark, revisited”, Phys. Rev. D 68 (2003) 093012.
S.M. Oliveira, L. Bruecher, R. Santos and A. Barroso, “Electroweak corrections to the top quark decay”, Phys. Rev. D 64 (2001) 017301.
A. Barroso, L. Bruecher and R. Santos, “Renormalization of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix”, Phys. Rev. D 62 (2001) 096003.
L. Bruecher and R. Santos, “Experimental signatures of fermiophobic Higgs bosons”, Eur. Phys. Journal C 12 (2000) 87.
A. Barroso, L. Bruecher and R. Santos, “Is there a light fermiophobic Higgs?”, Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 035005.
R. Santos and A. Barroso, “On the renormalization of two Higgs doublet models”, Phys. Rev. D 56 (1997) 5366.
R. Santos, A. Barroso and L. Bruecher, “Top quark loop corrections to the decay H+ —> h0 W+ in the two Higgs doublet model”, Phys. Lett. B 391 (1997) 429.
J. Velhinho, R. Santos and A. Barroso, “Tree level vacuum stability in two Higgs doublet models”, Phys. Lett. B 322 (1994) 213.
Capítulos em livros
L. Bruecher and R. Santos, “Searches for Higgs bosons in two-Higgs doublet models: the fermiophobic limit”, in “Search for the Higgs Boson”, Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2006, Hauppauge, NY.
Artigos publicados em proceedings de conferências internacionais
A. Amorim, J.P. Araque, N.F. Castro, J. Santiago, R. Santos, “Production of tgamma, tZ and tH via Flavour Changing Neutral Currents”, PoS TOP2015 (2016) 067.
R. Santos, “Interpretation of the LHC run-1 Higgs results (2HDM)”, PoS Charged2014 (2015) 016.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Guedes, J.F. Gunion, H.E. Haber, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “The CP-conserving 2HDM after the 8 TeV run”, PoS DIS2014 (2014) 127.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Guedes, J.F. Gunion, H.E. Haber, M.O.P. Sampaio, R. Santos, “The Wrong Sign limit in the 2HDM”, ECONF Conference C14-06-02.2, arXiv:1410.1926 [hep-ph].
R. Coimbra, A. Onofre, R. Santos and M. Won, “MEtop – a top FCNC event generator”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 447 (2013) 012031.
R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, “Charged Higgs boson production in single top mode at the LHC”, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 447 (2013) 012057.
R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, “Charged Higgs discovery potential in the single top mode in 2HDMs”, PoS CHARGED2012, (2012) 021.
P.M. Fereira, R. Santos, M. Sher and J.P. Silva, “2HDM confronting LHC data”, in Proceedings of 48th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Itália, 2013.
D.K. Ghosh et al, “Working group report: Physics at the Large Hadron Collider”, Pramana 76 (2011) 707.
R. Guedes, S. Kanemura, S. Moretti, R. Santos and K. Yagyu, “Charged Higgs Boson Benchmarks in the CP-conserving 2HDM”, PoS CHARGED2010 (2010) 037.
A. Belyaev, R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, “BSM Higgs searches in the gluon fusion process pp -> h+ jet -> tau tau + jet at the LHC”, “DIS2010 – XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects” PoS(DIS 2010) (2010) 207.
R. Santos, “Higgs pair production in THDM – LHC vs. photon-photon Collider”, “LC09 – e+e- Physics at the TeV Scale and the Dark Matter Connection” Nuovo Cimento C 33 (2010) 177.
A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik, C.-H. Chen and R. Santos, “gamma gamma -> hh(AA) in 2HDM”, “Photon 2009” DESY, Hamburgo, Alemanha.
N. Barros e Sá, A. Barroso, P. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Vacuum Stability in two-Higgs doublet models”, “cHarged 2008 – Prospects for Charged Higgs Discovery at Colliders”, POS(cHarged2008) (2008) 14.
P.M. Ferreira, R. Guedes and R. Santos, “Lepton flavour violation at the ILC”, “PIC2007 – Physics in Collision”, Acta Phys. Polon. Supp. 1 (2008) 433.
P. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Flavor changing effective operators to the physics of the top quark at LHC”, “TOP 2006: International Workshop on Top Quark Physics”, POS(TOP2006) (2006) 004.
A. Barroso, P. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Tree-level vacuum stability in multi Higgs models”, “EPS International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics”, PoS HEP2005 (2006) 337.
A. Barroso, P. Ferreira and R. Santos, “Tree-level vacuum stability in two Higgs doublet models”, “ICHEMP05, International Conference on High Energy and Mathematical Physics”, African Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol 3 1 (2006) 103.
S.M. Oliveira and R. Santos, “New bounds on the mass of a b’ quark”, “XXVII International Conference of Theoretical Physics”, Acta Physica Polonica B34 (2003) 5523.
L. Bruecher and R. Santos, “Experimental Signatures of a Fermiophobic Higgs Boson”, “9th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics”, PARTICLE PHYSICS AT THE START OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM. Ed. by A. I. Studenikin. Singapore, World Scientific, 2001.
R. Santos, “Renormalização de um modelo com dois dubletos de Higgs: alguns exemplos e aplicações”, Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Lisboa, 1998.
R. Santos, “Estudo da produção de Higgs carregados em colisões electrão-positrão para um modelo com dois dubletos”, Tese de Mestrado, Universidade de Lisboa, 1994
Teses de Doutoramento
Miguel Won, ” Flavour-Changing-Neutral-Currents in top quark physics”, Universidade de Coimbra, 2014 (co-orientação com A. Onofre, Univ. Coimbra).
Renato Batista Guedes Júnior, “Flavour Changing at Colliders in the Effective Theory Approach”, FCUL, 2008 (co-orientação com A. Barroso, FCUL).
Teses de Mestrado
Nelson Graça, “Reactores de fusão – confinamento magnético vs inercial”, ISEL 2015.
João Vilares, “Reactores a Tório – o futuro da energia nuclear de fissão?”, ISEL 2015.
Marcel Krause, “On the Renormalization of the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model”, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2016 (co-orientacão com M. Muehlleitner).
Miguel Won, “Combined effects of strong and electroweak effective FCNC operators in top production at the LHC”, Universidade de Coimbra, 2008 (co-orientação com A. Onofre, Univ. Coimbra).
Prémio Excelência na 2ª edição dos Prémios Científicos IPL-CGD na área das Tecnologias e Engenharias.