Extensão: 1196
2006 – Agregação, Universidade de Lisboa
1993 – Doutoramento (Ph.D.) Universidade de Southampton (UK)
1990 – Mestrado em Física da Matéria Condensada e Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
1987 – Licenciatura em Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Situação actual
Professor Coordenador com Agregação do ISEL, desde 1 Agosto de 2020.
Investigador do Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional da Universidade de Lisboa.
Posições anteriores
08/06 – 07/20: Professor Adjunto, ISEL
09/01 – 08/06: Professor Auxiliar, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
12/00 – 08/01: Investigador Pós-doutorado, Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais, Instituto Superior Técnico
09/98 – 09/00: Investigador Pós-doutorado, IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, Departamento de Física, Universidade de Leeds, Reino Unido
09/96 – 08/98: Investigador Pós-doutorado, Cavendish Laboratory, Universidade de Cambridge, Reino Unido
09/93 – 08/96: Investigador Pós-doutorado, FOM Instituut voor Atoom- en Molecuulfysica, Amsterdam, Holanda
Cargos de gestão académica
09/21 – Presente: Coordenador da Secção de Física da Matéria Condensada e Ciência dos Materiais do DF
06/18- 08/2020: Representante dos professores adjuntos no Conselho Coordenador da Área Departamental de Física
09/06 – 09/10: Membro do Conselho Científico do ISEL
09/06 – 09/10: Membro da Comissão Científica do Departamento de Engenharia Química
09/06 – 09/10: Membro da Comissão de Coordenação da Área Científica de Física
05/07 – 02/08: Coordenador da Secção de Física do Departamento de Engenharia Química
Na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
12/05 – 08/06: Membro do Conselho Editorial da Universidade Católica Editora
09/05 – 08/06: Coordenador da série de seminários da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Católica
09/02 – 08/06: Responsável do Laboratório de Materiais da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Católica
Principais áreas de investigação
Teoria e simulação em física da matéria condensada mole.
Outras áreas científicas de interesse
Física Estatística.
Researcher profile
ResearcherID: A-2682-2009
ORCID: 0000-0003-2315-2261
Scopus: 7005895098
J.P. Casquilho and P.I.C. Teixeira, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
ISBN: 978-110-7053-78-6
A.J. Silvestre e P.I.C. Teixeira, Mecânica – Uma Introdução, Edições Colibri – IPL, Lisboa, 2013.
ISBN: 978-989-689-295-1
J.P. Casquilho e P.I.C. Teixeira, Introdução à Física Estatística, IST Press, Lisboa, 2011.
ISBN: 978-972-8469-99-3
Artigos publicados em revistas internacionais com referee
R. Foffi, F. Sciortino, J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira, “Building up DNA, bit by bit: a simple description of chain assembly”, Soft Matter 17 (2021) 10736 10743e.
P. I. C. Teixeira, C. Anquetil-Deck and D. J. Cleaver, “Ordering of oblate hard particles between symmetric penetrable walls”, Liquid Crystals 48 (2021) 75-87.
C. Anquetil-Deck, D. J. Cleaver and P. I. C. Teixeira, “Ordering of oblate hard particles between hybrid penetrable walls”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (2020) 7709-7716.
J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira, “Remnants of the disappearing critical point(s) in patchy fluids with distinct interaction patches”, Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (2020) 086101.
P. I. C. Teixeira and M. A. C. Teixeira, “The shape of two-dimensional liquid bridges”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 034002.
P. I. C. Teixeira and F. Sciortino, “Patchy particles at a hard wall: Orientation-dependent bonding”, Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (2019) 174903.
M. A. C. Teixeira, S. Arscott, S. J. Cox and P. I. C. Teixeira, “When is a surface foam-phobic or foam-philic?”, Soft Matter 14 (2018) 5369-5382.
A. Vaghela, P. I. C. Teixeira and E. M. Terentjev, “Emergence of biaxial nematic phases in solutions of semiflexible dimers”, Physical Review E 96 (2017) 042703.
P. I. C. Teixeira and J. M. Tavares, “Phase behaviour of pure and mixed patchy colloids – theory and simulation”, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 30 (2017) 16-24.
J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira, “Criticality of colloids with three distinct interaction patches: as simples as A,B,C?”, Phys. Rev. E 95, 012612 (2017).
P. I. C. Teixeira, “Very low surface tension liquid-vapour interfaces of patchy colloids”, Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 514 (2017) 63-68.
P. I. C. Teixeira, “Nematic order reconstruction in ultraconfinement, from density-functional theory”, Liquid Crystals 43 (2016) 1526-1535.
P. I. C. Teixeira and A. J. Masters, “Phase behavior of shape-changing spheroids”, Physical Review E 92 (2015) 062506.
M. A. C. Teixeira, S. Arscott, S. J. Cox and P. I. C. Teixeira, “What is the shape of an air bubble on a liquid surface?”, Langmuir 31 (2015) 13708.
A. Oleksy and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Liquid-vapor interfaces of patchy colloids”,Physical Review E 91 (2015) 012301.
T. Santos-Silva, P.I.C. Teixeira, C. Anquetil-Deck and D.J. Cleaver, “Neural-network approach to modeling liquid crystals in complex confinement”, Physical Review E 89 (2014) 053316.
P. Patrício, P.I.C. Teixeira, A.C. Trindade and M.H. Godinho, “Longitudinal versus polar wrinkling of core-shell fibers with anisotropic size mismatches”, Physical Review E 89 (2014) 012403.
A.C. Trindade, J.P. Canejo, P.I.C. Teixeira, P. Patrício and M.H. Godinho, “First curl, then wrinkle”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 34 (2013) 1618.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Effective isotropic potential for dipolar hard spheres”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (2013) 195102.
A.C. Trindade, J.P. Canejo, P. Patrício, P. Brogueira, P.I. Teixeira and M.H. Godinho, “Hierarchical wrinkling on elastomeric Janus spheres”, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 22044.
J.M. Tavares and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Phase diagrams of particles with dissimilar patches: X-junctions and Y-junctions”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (2012) 284108.
M.F. Vaz, S.J. Cox and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Cyclic deformation of bidisperse two-dimensional foams”, Philosophical Magazine 107 (2011) 4345.
J.M. Tavares and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Patching up dipoles: can dipolar particles be viewed as patchy colloids?”, Molecular Physics 107 (2011) 1077.
J. Russo, J. M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira, M.M. Telo da Gama and F. Sciortino “Re-entrant phase behavior of network fluids: A patchy particle model with temperature-dependent valence”, Journal of Chemical Physics 135 (2011) 034501.
J. Russo, J. M. Tavares, P. I. C. Teixeira, M. M. Telo da Gama and F. Sciortino, “Reentrant Phase Diagram of Network Fluids”, Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 085703.
A.C. Trindade, J.P. Canejo, L.F.V. Pinto, P. Patrício, P. Brogueira, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.H. Godinho, “Wrinkling labyrinth patterns on elastomeric Janus particles”, Macromolecules 44 (2011) 2220.
J.M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira, M.M. Telo da Gama and F. Sciortino, “Equilibrium self-assembly of colloids with distinct interaction sites: Thermodynamics, percolation, and cluster distribution functions” , Journal of Chemical Physics 132 (2010) 234502.
J.M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Percolation of colloids with distinct interaction sites”, Physical Review E 81 (2010) 010501.
A.J. Ferreira, C. Cruz, M.H.Godinho, P.S. Kulkarni, C.A.M. Afonso and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Shear-induced lamellar ionic liquid-crystal foam” Liquid Crystals 37, (2010)377-382.
S.J. Cox, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.F.Vaz, “Simulation of defects in bubble clusters” , Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 22, (2010) 065101.
M.A.C. Teixeira and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Contact angle of a hemispherical bubble: an analytical approach”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 338 (2009) 193.
J.M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Criticality of colloids with distinct interaction patches: The limits of linear chains, hyperbranched polymers, and dimers”, Physical Review E 80 (2009) 021506.
M.F. Vaz, P.I.C. Teixeira, F. Graner and S.J. Cox, “Effect of the number of shells on the pressure and energy of two-dimensional free bubble clusters”, Colloids and Surfaces A – Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 304 (2009) 33.
J.M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “How patchy can one get and still condense? The role of dissimilar patches in the interactions of colloidal particles”, Molecular Physics 107 (2009) 453.
M.H. Godinho, J.P. Canejo, L.F.V. Pinto, J.P. Borges and P.I.C. Teixeira, “How to mimic the shapes of plant tendrils on the nano and microscale: spirals and helices of electrospun liquid crystalline cellulose derivatives”, Soft Matter 5 (2009) 2772.
P.I.C. Teixeira, F. Barmes, C. Anquetil-Deck and D.J. Cleaver, “Simulation and theory of hybrid aligned liquid crystal films”, Physical Review E 79 (2009) 011709.
J.P. Canejo, M.H. Godinho, P. Brogueira, J.P. Borges, P.I.C. Teixeira and E. M. Terentjev, “Helical twisting of electrospun cellulose-based micro- and nanofibres”, Advanced Materials 20 (2008) 4821.
C. Cruz, M.H. Godinho, A.J. Ferreira, P.S. Kulkarni, C.A.M. Afonso and P.I.C. Teixeira, “How foam-like is the shear-induced lamellar phase of an ionic liquid crystal?”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 88 (2008) 741.
M.H. Godinho, C. Cruz, A.J. Ferreira, C. Costa, P.S. Kulkarni, C.A.M. Afonso and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Shear-induced lamellar phase of an ionic liquid crystal at room temperature”, Liquid Crystals 35 (2008) 103.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.A. Fortes, “Energy and tension of films and Plateau borders in a foam”, Colloids and Surfaces A 309 (2007) 3.
M.A. Fortes, M. Fátima Vaz, S.J. Cox and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Instabilities in two-dimensional flower and chain clusters of bubbles”, Colloids and Surfaces A 309 (2007) 64.
M.A. Fortes, P.I.C. Teixeira and A.M. Deus, “The shape of soap films and Plateau borders”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (2007) 246106.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M. A. Fortes, “Line tension and excess energy of a wall plateau border”, Physical Review E 75 (2007) 011404.
P.I.C. Teixeira, D.J. Read and T.C.B. McLeish, “De-mixing instability in coil-rod blends undergoing polycondensation reactions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 126 (2007) 074901.
D. Weaire, M.F. Vaz, P.I.C. Teixeira and M. A. Fortes, “Instabilities in foams”, Soft Matter 3 (2007) 47.
M.H. Godinho, A.C. Trindade, J.L. Figueirinhas, L.V. Melo, P. Brogueira, A.M. Deus and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Tuneable micro- and nano-periodic structures in a free-standing flexible urethane/urea elastomer film”, European Physical Journal E 21 (2006) 319.
P.I.C. Teixeira, M.A. Osipov and G.R. Luckhurst, “A simple model for biaxial smectic phases”, Physical Review E 73 (2006) 061708.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Excess energy of a Plateau border at a wall”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 85 (2005) 21.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Triple-line decoration and line tension in simple three-dimensional foam clusters”, Physical Review E 71 (2005) 051404.
P.I.C. Teixeira, M.A. Fortes and M. F. Vaz, “Decoration Plateau borders in two-dimensional liquid foams: geometry and excess energy”, Philosophical Magazine 85 (2005) 1303.
M.A. Fortes, M. F. Vaz and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Topological and geometrical transitions in two-dimensional Plateau borders under gravity”, Philosophical Magazine 85 (2005) 1291.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.A. Fortes, “Wet two-dimensional bubble clusters: liquid partitioning and energy”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (2005) 2327.
M.F. Vaz, M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Symmetry-breaking transitions in the dissociation of two-dimensional Plateau borders”, European Physical Journal E 16 (2005) 401.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies of liquid foams”, Philosophical Magazine Letters 84 (2004) 737.
M.A. Fortes, M.E. Rosa, M.F. Vaz and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Mechanical instability of foam clusters between parallel plates”, European Physical Journal E 15 (2004) 395.
P.I.C. Teixeira, F. Barmes and D.J. Cleaver “Symmetric alignment of the nematic matrix between close penetrable colloidal particles”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (2004) S1969.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Bubble size-topology correlations in two-dimensional foams derived from surface energy minimisation”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (2003) 5161.
F. de los Santos, M. Tasinkevych, J. M. Tavares and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Deposition of magnetic particles: a computer simulation study”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (2003) 061708.
P.I.C. Teixeira, F. Graner and M. A. Fortes, “Lower bounds to the surface energy of a two-dimensional foam”, European Physical Journal E 9 (2002) 447.
P.I.C. Teixeira, F. Graner and M. A. Fortes, “Mixing and sorting of bidisperse two-dimensional bubbles”, European Physical Journal E 9 (2002) 161.
M.A. Fortes, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.F. Vaz, “Distribution of film orientations in free and strained bubble clusters”, Physical Review Letters 89 (2002) 278302. Referenciado electronicamente em Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 5, Janeiro 2003. Erratum: Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 109902.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Orientation and association at the liquid-vapour interface of dipolar fluids”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 12159.
D.J. Read, P.I.C. Teixeira, R.A. Duckett, J. Sweeney and T.C.B. McLeish, “Theoretical and fnite-element investigation of the mechanical response of spinodal structures”, European Physical Journal E 8 (2002) 15.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.A. Fortes, “Periodic chain clusters of two-dimensional bubbles”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 5719.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Independent variables in foam clusters”, European Physical Journal E 6 (2001) 255.
M.A. Fortes and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Minimum-perimeter partitions of the plane into equal numbers of regions of two different areas”, European Physical Journal E 6 (2001) 133.
Y. Mao, T.C.B. McLeish, P.I.C. Teixeira and D.J. Read, “Asymmetric landscapes of early spinodal decomposition”, European Physical Journal E 6 (2001) 69.
A. Chrzanowska, P.I.C. Teixeira, H. Ehrentraut and D.J. Cleave, “Ordering of hard particles between hard walls”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13 (2001) 4715.
P.I.C. Teixeira, A. Chrzanowska, G.D. Wall and D.J. Cleave, “Density-functional theory of a Gay-Berne film between aligning walls”, Molecular Physics 99 (2001) 889.
D.J. Cleaver and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Discontinuous structural transition in a thin hybrid liquid crystal film”, Chemical Physics Letters 338 (2001) 1.
S.R. Ren, I.W. Hamley, P.I.C. Teixeira and P.D. Olmsted, “Cell dynamics simulations of shear-induced alignment and defect annihilation in stripe patterns formed by block copolymers”, Physical Review E 63 (2001) 041503.
P.I.C. Teixeira, J.M. Tavares and M.M. Telo da Gama, “The effect of dipolar forces on the structure and thermodynamics of classical fluids”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (2000) R411.
P.I.C. Teixeira, D.J. Read and T.C.B. McLeish, “De-mixing instability in polymer blends undergoing polycondensation reactions”, Macromolecules 33 (2000) 3871.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Reorientation dynamics of a nematic elastomer”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 330 (1999) 1579.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M. Warner, “Dynamics of soft and semi-soft nematic elastomers”, Physical Review E 60 (1999) 603.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Dynamics of reorientation of a constrained nematic elastomer”, European Physical Journal B 9 (1999) 471.
P.I.C. Teixeira and E.M. Terentjev, “Kinetic stabilisation of the polar smectic-A phase of cyclic siloxane oligomers”, Europhysics Letters 46 (1999) 364.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “A thermotropic nematic of slightly non-spherical molecules: Generalised Van der Waals theory”, Molecular physics 96 (1999) 805.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Comment on \Gas-liquid coexistence and demixing in systems with highly directional pair potentials”, Physical Review E 59 (1998) 1280.
P.I.C. Teixeira, A. J. Masters and B. M. Mulder, “Biaxial nematic order in the hard-boomerang fluid”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 323 (1998) 167.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “An old model for magnetic nematics”, Liquid Crystals 25 (1998) 721.
J.M. Tavares, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Stability of the order-order critical points of Heisenberg and nematic fluids”, Physical Review E 58 (1998) 3175.
P.I.C. Teixeira and E.M. Terentjev, “Field-induced winding of chiral polymers”, European Physical Journal B 3 (1998) 237.
P.I.C. Teixeira, M.A. Osipov and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Phase diagrams of aligned dipolar hard rods”, Physical Review E 57 (1998) 1752.
P.I.C. Teixeira and D.J. Goulding, “Simulation study of polymer chain geometry in a one-dimensional periodic potential”, Journal of Chemical Physics 107 (1997) 7530.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Non-spherical molecules with spherical square wells revisited: some possible new phase diagrams from density-functional theory”, Molecular Physics 92 (1997) 167.
M.A. Osipov, P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Density-functional approach to the theory of dipolar fluids”, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (1997) 1953.
P.I.C. Teixeira and B.M. Mulder, “Comment on study of phase-separation dynamics by use of cell dynamical systems. I.Modeling”, Physical Review E 55 (1997) 3789.
P.I.C. Teixeira, “Structure of a nematic liquid crystal between aligning walls”, Physical Review E 55 (1997) 2881.
P.I.C. Teixeira and B.M. Mulder, “Numerical simulation of thermally-induced phase separation in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals”, Journal of Chemical Physics 105 (1996) 10145.
M. A. Osipov, P.I.C. Teixeira and M. M. Telo da Gama, “Structure of strongly dipolar fluids at low densities”, Physical Review E 54 (1996) 2597.
P.I.C. Teixeira and B.M. Mulder, “Cell dynamics model of droplet formation in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals”, Physical Review E 53 (1996) 1805.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “A model nematic liquid crystal revisited: some new phase diagrams from density-functional theory”, Molecular Physics 86 (1995) 1537.
J.M. Tavares, M.M. Telo da Gama, P.I.C. Teixeira, J.J. Weis and M.J.P. Nijmeijer, “Phase diagram and critical behaviour of the ferromagnetic Heisenberg fluid from density functional theory”, Physical Review E 52 (1995) 1915. Erratum: Physical Review E 52 (1995) 5716.
V.M. Pergamenshchik, P.I.C. Teixeira and T.J. Sluckin, “Distortions induced by the K13 surface-like elastic term in a thin nematic film”, Physical Review E 48 (1993) 1265.
P.I.C. Teixeira, V.M. Pergamenshchik and T. J. Sluckin, “A model calculation of the surface elastic constants of a nematic liquid crystal”, Molecular Physics 80 (1993) 1339.
P.I.C. Teixeira, T.J. Sluckin and D.E. Sullivan, “Landau-de Gennes theory of anchoring transitions at a nematic liquid crystal{substrate interface”, Liquid Crystals 15 (1993) 939.
P.I.C. Teixeira and T.J. Sluckin, “Microscopic theory of anchoring transitions at the surfaces of pure liquid crystals and their mixtures. II. The effect of surface adsorption”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 (1992) 1510.
P.I.C. Teixeira and T.J. Sluckin, “Microscopic theory of anchoring transitions at the surfaces of pure liquid crystals and their mixtures. I. The Fowler approximation”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 (1992) 1498.
P.I.C. Teixeira, B.S. Almeida, M.M. Telo da Gama J.A. Rueda and R.G. Rubio, “Interfacial properties of mixtures of molecular fluids. Comparison between theory and experiment: CH3I+CCl4 and CH3CN+CCl4”, Journal of Physical Chemistry 96 (1992) 8488.
P.I.C. Teixeira and M.M. Telo da Gama, “Density functional theory for the interfacial properties of a dipolar fluid”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (1991) 111.
Artigos publicados em proceedings de conferências internacionais com referee
P.I.C. Teixeira and T.J. Sluckin “Doping-induced anchoring transitions at liquid crystal surfaces”, Proceedings of the 13th IMACS World Congress on Computation and Applied Mathematics, ed. by R. Vichnevetsky and J. H. Miller, vol. 2, pp. 789 (Dublin, 1991).
Capítulos de livros
M.H. Godinho, J.L. Figueirinhas, P. Brogueira and P.I.C. Teixeira, “Tuneable micro- and nano-periodic structures in urethane/urea networks”, in “Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems”, Arturo H. Lima (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-60456-405-1)
Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira, “Statistical machanical theories of the anchoring transition and rellated phenomena in liquid crystals”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 1993.
Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira, “Teoria para as propriedades interfaciais de fluidos puros e misturas com interacções multipolares”, Tese de Mestrado, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 1990.
Artigos de carácter pedagógico e de divulgação
C. R. Leal, P. Patricio, J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira, 9th Liquid Matter Conference (Liquids 2014), Applied Rheology 25 (2015) 62.
J. M. Tavares, M. M. Telo da Gama, M. G. Miguel and P. I. C. Teixeira, The Ninth Liquid Matter Conference, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (2015) 190302.
P. I. C. Teixeira, “O que é um líquido?”, Gazeta de Física 39, (2016) 2-7.
A. C. Trindade, P. Patrício. P. I. C. Teixeira, P. Brogueira and M. H. Godinho, “Soft Janus, wrinkles and all”, Europhysics News 47 (2016) 22-26.
P. I. C. Teixeira, “The 27th British liquid crystal society annual meeting 2013, Cambridge”, Liquid Crystals Today 22 (2013) 40.
J.P. Canejo, P. Brogueira, P.I.C. Teixeira, G. Feio, E.M. Terentjev e M.H. Godinho, “Hélices e espirais em micro e nanofibras celulósicas”, Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 23 (2011) 34.
M.H. Godinho, J.P. Canejo, P. Brogueira e P.I.C. Teixeira, “Espirais e hélices do polímero mais abundante da natureza”, Gazeta de Física 32 (2009) 2-6.
P.I.C. Teixeira and J. Buescu, “Foam as a geometer”, Europhys. News 40 (2009) 21.
P.I.C. Teixeira, J. M. Tavares e M. M. Telo da Gama, “Este líquido é a água”, Cadernos Didácticos de Ciências 2 (2002) 81.
M.M. Telo da Gama, B.S. Almeida e P.I.C. Teixeira, “A superfície líquida”, Gazeta de Físca 11(1) (1988) 1.
Tradução de livros de divulgação científica da área da Física
Simon Singh, “O Big Bang”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2010 (trad. com J. Braga).
Sander Bais, “As Equações”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2007.
Tim Sluckin, “Fluidos fora da lei”, IST Press, Lisboa, 2006.
Ian Stewart, “Flatterland”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2006.
João Magueijo, “Mais rápido que a luz”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2003.
Stephen Hawking, “O Universo numa casca de noz”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2002.
Heinz Pagels, “Simetria Perfeita”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 1990. (trad. com H. Leitão)
Paul Davies, “Superforça”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 1988.
David Bodanis, “O Universo Eléctrico”, Gradiva, Lisboa, 2008.
Distinguished Referee of the European Physical Journal, 2014.
Outstanding Referee Award, American Physical Society, EUA, 2008.
Prémio União Latina de Tradução Científica e Técnica em Português, Lisboa, Portugal, 2004 (por “Mais Rápido que a Luz”, de João Magueijo).
Menção Honrosa no Prémio União Latina de Tradução Científica e Técnica em Português, Lisboa, Portugal, 2003 (por “O Universo numa Casca de Noz”, de Stephen Hawking).
Hermann Jahn Award, Universidade de Southampton, Southampton, Reino Unido, 1991.
Supervisão de alunos
Anna Oleksy, Postdoc FCT no Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional da Universidade de Lisboa,
Dezembro 2011-Novembro 2013